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15 April 2009 | |

Retaining Wall

Mexico: Signatures gathered to stop the advance of hydroelectric dams

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In March they requested to meet with President Felipe Calderon and they were not received. Now, Mexican organizations opposing the building of new mega-dams are promoting a campaign to gather signatures in order to strengthen their claims.

They demand the definite suspension of hydroelectric projects in La Parota, Paso de la Reyna, El Zapotillo and Arcediano, and demand the payment of fair compensations for the hundreds of people affected by the building of El Cajón dam.

The Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers (MAPDER) requests the support to a public statement that raises the issue of the tragic situation in which many Mexican communities live and demand the current authorities immediate solutions.

Under water. This is how thousands of rural homes will be if these hydroelectric projects continue, according to MAPDER.

The Mexican organizations are watching the promoters of these works, semi-public companies Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) and the National Commission of Water (CONAGUA), who they accuse of constantly violating the rights of the communities and destroy the social network.

According to the Mexican groups supporting the document both organizations work amidst “illegality and impunity”.

In Mexico there is currently an installed capacity of power generation that exceeds the current demand in 48 per cent and this is why this question arises: “Development for whom? If the projects do not imply an integral development for the population, then it is not development”, the document given to Calderon states.

In addition to a debate on energy models, this is a territorial conflict which deals with the issue of land property. MAPDER fears that if this process advances, the traditional and community lands will be owned by others in a few years.

According to their estimations, if the situation continues its current path, these lands will be owned by international companies which build dams and transnational energy companies, which have found a huge market in the framework of the Meso American Project, formerly known as the Puebla Panama Plan.

The campaign of the anti-dam Mexican groups comes to an end on April 28th and it can be signed at: http://www.rmalc.org.mx/manifiesto/index.php

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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