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21 September 2010 | | |

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Over 300 delegates will meet in Jalisco, Mexico, at the Meeting of Dam-Affected Peoples

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Less than two weeks from the discussions that will take place in Temacapulin, Jalisco State, Mexico, at the 3rd International Meeting of Dam-Affected People, Real World Radio interviewed Carmen Diaz from the Organizer Committee.

Carmen is member of the Mexican Institute for Community Development and talked about the objectives of this international meeting: strengthening alliances and reaffirming denunciations before the international community about the effects of this kind of megaprojects on the communities of all continents.

The first of these meetings was held in Curitiba, Brazil, and the second one in Rasi Salai, Thailand, said Carmen.

The third edition of this meeting will take place for 4 days, in addition to an extra day to visit near-by communities that are struggling against dams and working to protect their rivers. The meeting will begin on October 1st.

“Temaca” is one of the communities symbol of the struggle of peasants for their lands, and in resistance to megaprojects, in the framework of a campaign called “All Eyes are on Temaca”.

Real World Radio will cover the event.

Photo: www.internationalrivers.org

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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