Radio Mundo Real

6 de julio de 2015 | | | |

The EU almost halted official talks about legal treaty on corporations and human rights

Several social organizations denounced on Monday, in Geneva, that the European Union (EU) attempted to halt the negotiations taking place in the framework of the UN to create a binding treaty on human rights and transnational corporations.

The EU sought today to modify the agreement reached in June 2014, when an Intergovernmental Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council was created, to include all companies, and not only transnational corporations, mainly coming from Europe, the US and other countries of the Global North.

The Working Group was established to create a binding treaty that deals with human rights violations perpetrated by transnational corporations.

Real World Radio interviewed Friends of the Earth Europe´s representative, Anne van Schaik about the EU actions and other issues.

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2015 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra