Radio Mundo Real

29 de abril de 2015 | | | | | |

Interview with Dipti Bhatnagar, FoEI Climate Justice Program Coordinator

“This meeting is basically to bring together different types of people to talk about an issue which has serious concerns for all of us. In Mozambique we will be facing, (are) already facing the impacts of climate change on the most poorest and on the most vulnerable people of this country”, said to Real World Radio the Climate Justice and Energy Program’s coordinator of Friends of the Earth International, Dipti Bhatnagar, before the end of the climate justice conference held in the Kaya Kwanga Complex in Maputo, Mozambique, during April 21-23.

The activist is also part of Justiça Ambiental (JA!) - Friends of the Earth Mozambique. “At the same time across Africa we know that the impacts are going to be very very severe, with the sort of warming we are going to see, the agriculture is going to start to break down, more floods, more droughts, one year flood and the second year drought in the same place. This is the sort of future we are being told we are going to see across this continent and of course across the world”, added Bhatnagar.

The activity was organized by Justiça Ambiental with the support of several national and foreign groups and managed to gather local communities from several parts of the world, environmental activists and governmental authorities, among other Mozambican actors and activists from other African countries.

In the interview with Real World Radio, Bhatnagar assessed the conference and its potential and also made reference to the links between the local struggles in her country and the international movement for climate justice which faces an important challenge in the run-up to the United Nations COP 21 on Climate Change to take place in December, in Paris, France.

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2015 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra