Radio Mundo Real

18 de noviembre de 2009 | | |

A view of Rome

Testimonies from the Peoples´ Food Sovereignty Forum at the Italian capital city

Real World Radio shares a video produced by the press team of Peoples´ Food Sovereignty Now! of the mobilization of peasants, indigenous peoples, and activists for food sovereignty from all parts of the world outside the building of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN in Rome.

The tools with which 1.5 billion family farmers, peasants, fisherfolks, indigenous people from the five continents produce food were displayed at the FAO´s Headquarters as a “reminder” to official delegates of the importance of peasant agriculture for the food sovereignty and security of the people.

Testimonies on land grabbing, climate change and food sovereignty of Nettie Wiebe – NFU (Canada), Fausto Torres ATC (Nicaragua), Devlin Kuyek GRAIN, Philippine activists on hunger strike, Tonino Mancino from Mancino Foundation, Italy and Hortense Kinkodila-Tombo of Congo Brazzaville.

You can also read the attached Final Declaration of the Forum.


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Audio: MP3 – 634.5 KB lenght: 0:54 minutes

2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra