Radio Mundo Real

15 de noviembre de 2017 | | | |

Decent Jobs on a Living Planet

Friends of the Earth International has brought a strong message of Just Transition to the UN climate talks, COP23, in Bonn, Germany

Dipti Bhatnagar, co-coordinator of the Friends of the Earth International Climate Justice and Energy Programme, explained in an interview with Real World Radio´s correspondent in Bonn, Francesca Gater*, what we mean by Just Transition. She also talks about the first event co-hosted by FoEI and the International Trade Unions Congress, and tells us why this common cause is such an important question of justice.

"When we think about a different energy future - an energy sovereignty future - we need to bring workers with us. We need to build common cause with the unions to push for a just transition so that workers have jobs and security, but also decent jobs on a living planet", said Dipti Bhatnagar.

* Member of Friends of the Earth Europe.

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2017 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra