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13 May 2009 | |

To the Streets

Massive mobilization in Lima to demand FTA repeal

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The situation is complicated in Peru and the social movements have decided to go to the streets and the dirt roads. While the Amazon region continues in a permanent state of mobilization, this afternoon in Lima, capital city of the country, a march will be carried out to demand the repeal of the Free Trade Agreement with the US, which is in force since February.

This activity joins the struggle of the indigenous communities to the north of the country, which are denouncing the death of a demonstrator during the clearing of a bridge carried out by the police last Sunday.

The protest in Lima has been called for by some of the most representative social organizations of the country, such as the Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations, the National Confederation of Communities Affected by Mining of Peru, the Inter-Ethnic Association for Development of the Peruvian Forest, the Confederation of Peasants from Peru and the National Agrarian Confederation.

The controversial provisions of the FTA are “unconstitutional” and the Peruvian authorities have to draft a “domestic agenda” to mitigate the negative impacts on the vulnerable sectors, state the organizations.

In addition to denouncing the impacts of the implementation of the trade agreement with the US, the Peruvian groups are demanding an immediate end to the criminalization of protests, the release of leaders arrested and the abolition of the state of emergency.

Organizations like Conacami include a warning on the damages the imminent FTA with the European Union will cause. A few days ago, in Brussels, another round of negotiations was carried out, aiming at an agreement between the EU and Peru, Colombia and Ecuador, members of the Andean Community of Nations. The social movements are denouncing the “pressure” exerted by the European negotiators to sign the agreement.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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