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7 March 2012 | | |

Not Much on Environment

Another Uruguayan perspective towards Rio+20

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The World UN Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will serve to “legitimize economic development” policies, which “has been the main aim since Eco 92 around the idea of sustainable development”, warned the president of the Uruguayan Network of Environmentalists NGOs, Miguel Piñeyro.

“Social and environmental issues have been left aside”, understanding that “there are no chances for social development without economic development”, added the leader in an interview with Real World Radio.
The UN conference to take place in Rio will be held 20 years after the UN Conference on Environment and Development which was carried out in the same city and was known as the Earth Summit or Eco 92.
This is why the summit which will take place in June is called Rio+20.

Real World Radio interviewed Piñeyro at the First National Meeting of the Civil Society towards the UN conference in June, which took place on Saturday in Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. The idea of the social groups is to write a joint document about their priorities for the national environmental agenda and proposals towards Rio de Janeiro to discuss with the government in May.

Piñeyro considers Rio+20 is the “development summit” because there “the development of the entire planet will be at stake”. The president of the Uruguayan Network of Environmentalist NGOs analyzed the actions by the national government on issues related to the environment and he also talked about the role and expectations of the social organizations of the country.

Photo: http://www.nosrevista.com.br

(CC) 2012 Real World Radio


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