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29 April 2010 | |


Strong protests against anti-immigration law passed in the US

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On Friday, a law authorizing police officers to question any individual they suspect could be an undocumented immigrant was passed in Arizona, amidst strong demonstrations carried out by immigrant´s organizations.

The law also establishes that undocumented immigrants can be imprisoned for up to six months, in addition to paying a fine of USD 2,500. (twenty five hundred dollars)

The law, passed by the Congress of Arizona, was enacted by Governor Jan Brewer, who said that the new law would help bring greater security in view of the threat of drug trafficking coming from Mexico.

The opinion of organizations in defense of immigrant rights in US regarding this law- known as SB 1070- was quite different. According to Pulsar News Agency, Isabel Garcia, lawyer working in defense of immigrant rights in Arizona, said that the new regulation allows police officers to arrest people based on their racial profile. Also, she said that what is happening in Arizona is a regional experiment which could be implemented throughout the country.

Authorities from several Latin American countries joined their voices in protest. Guatemalan President, Alvaro Colom strongly criticized the law. Felipe Calderon, Mexican President, considered it “discriminatory and intolerant”.

Also, Migel Angel Ibarra, Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Vice-Minister, member of the United Nations Committee on Migration Rights of Workers, said that there was no reason to arrest a person who had not committed any crime, only basing the decision in their physical appearance.

President Barack Obama has criticized the law and Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, opposed the arguments raised by Governor Brewer, and said that she was worried that resources allocated to fight crime were going to be spent now in persecuting immigrants.

Also, Mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, Phil Gordon, said that he planned to file a complaint against the regulation, which he considered “unconstitutional”.

Several groups working in defense of civil liberties such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Immigration Law Center, are planning to file legal complaints to prevent the regulation from being implemented.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/boplication/

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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