3 de mayo de 2012 | Entrevistas | Cumbre de los Pueblos en Rio+20
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Tomorrow, Friday 4 May, ends the negotiation round called ’Zero Draft’, the base document analyzed as part of the inter-governmental process in the lead-up to the Rio+20 Summit, to be held in Brazil.
Social organizations such as the Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI) participated in the negotiations. Its delegates have been in New York since April 23. As part of this discussion, the group of 77 (G-77) plus China included, at the initiative of the Bolivian delegation, a proposal that aims for the recognition of “Mother Earth rights”, which already appears in the preliminary document.
Miguel Palacín, leader of CAOI, said in interview with La Voz de los Movimientos that the recognition of mother earth rights would be a “victory of the indigenous movement”, which for many years has been trying to contribute a perspective of Good Living.
Indigenous organizations believe the recognition of Mother Earth rights in Rio+20 could become a first progress in the making of public policies.
“Amid the climate crisis, where the Western countries insist in considering the planet as a deposit of resources, subject to obligations and with no rights, the idea of declaring Mother Earth rights comes from the indigenous peoples”, said Palacin.
The document prepared in New York will also include other issues such as the human right to water, harmony with nature, food sovereignty and the recognition of the role of indigenous peoples in preserving seeds.
Photo: CAOI
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