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1 March 2017 | | |

Coordinated cooperation in Haiti: new video by TUCA

The Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) launched a new video showing the main results of the trade union cooperation process that took place in Haiti from 2012 to 2016, coordinated by the TUCA itself and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) with the support of several other organizations.

According to information published by the TUCA in its website, the Trade Union cooperation process with Haiti organizes 17,000 workers at national level.

After the earthquake in 2010, a Trade Union Meeting for Reconstruction and Development was organized in Haiti, which adopted a Trade Union Roadmap , highlighting the need to incorporate dignified working conditions into Haiti reconstruction plans.

On the basis of this Roadmap, Haitian union centers defined the following priority areas for cooperation: trade union organization; the promotion of gender equality; social protection; unity of action and defense of rights in the “maquilas”.

"The results of the coordinated union cooperation process were encouraging with regard to the implementation of the Roadmap", stated the TUCA in its website.

(CC) 2017 Real World Radio


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